Setting up Pema

Install using: pip install pema

For the true power of pema, database access is assumed. This can be achieved by setting up a utilix file with the proper passwords. Please follow the installation guide as from straxen:

Basic examples

Imagine you want to load peaks from wfsim and check the properly matched peaks. We assume one is familiar with You can do so as follows:

import pema
import numpy as np

# Setup a simulation, see e.g. pema/tests or wfsim documentation
st_wfsim = pema.contexts.pema_context(..)

# Load peaks and truth information
peaks = st_wfsim.get_array(run_id, ('peak_basics', 'peak_id'))  # Same dtype
truths = st_wfsim.get_array(run_id, 'truth_extended')  # Super type of truth

truth_are_matched = truths['outcome']=='found'  # This means that the peak as in the truth was correctly found
peaks_are_machted = np.in1d(peaks['id'], truths[truth_are_matched]['matched_to'])

assert len(peaks_are_matched) == len(peaks)

peaks_with_good_match = peaks[peaks_are_machted]
truths_with_good_match = truths[truth_are_matched]

Similar selections can easily be extended by setting e.q. truth_are_matched = truths['outcome']=='missed' etc.